about us

But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD-Joshua 24:15

Sunday, March 4, 2012

In Tianjin

We made it!!

Tomorrow is the big day! We are going to the orphanage at 9:00 to finally meet Lily! We are very excited. Hope to post more with pictures soon!


  1. Glad you made it there safely. Hope you enjoyed your time in Beijing. We will be checking the blog tomorrow for pics of your new sweetie!

    Bracco Gang

  2. We are praying for you from Va. and enjoying your blog music as we eat lunch. We trust that Lily will do well tomorrow and her heart will be prepared for her new family. Rekha says hi to Megan and she hopes she is having fun and liker her new sister! May the Lord bless and protect you!
    Love, The Wrights

  3. You are in our deepest prayers!
    Love from all the Davis'!

    Isaiah 26:3
    You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.

  4. Glad you had a safe trip. Stay rested. Looking forward to "Gotcha Day" pics. Blessings
