about us

But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD-Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Our Precious Little Lily Photo Gallery

Lily and Mommy on the bus coming back to the Hotel on Forever Family Day

Lily's first moments in the hotel on Forever Family Day

Daddy and Lily

Mommy and Lily huggin it out

Leaving the Passport Office

Sweet Lily

Noodles Inc.

Lily at Breakfast

Lily and Ryan

Lily and Megan

Cool Shades

She's got her Daddy's moves

Playing with Megan's toys

All Tuckered Out


  1. Hey! It's Venicia! I hope all is going well today! Catching up on your blog, I wonder if we were all at the same places at roughly the same time! We did the Hutong and Great Wall too!

    Thinking of y'all!!

  2. What a sweet smile she has. So glad to see the transition is going well.

    Bracco Gang

  3. Such sweet pictures and smiles! Thanks for sharing and hurry home so we can meet Lily!

  4. She is so precious. Looks like she is enjoying being part of your family. Blessings

  5. Adorable!!! Love her!!! God is so good! \o/. We're looking forward to meeting Lilly! Keep the pics coming. :-)
