about us

But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD-Joshua 24:15

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Recap of the last few days...

Here we are at The Garden Hotel.

Our Sunday medical appointment with Lily went great. Thanks for all those back at home who have been praying. Here are a few pictures of our brave little girl.

After a busy morning at the medical center, we went to a familiar restaurant from home, Pizza Hut.

We are so priviliged to be on this journey. Lily is a remarkable little girl and we are so excited to call her a Painter. More to come tomorrow.

Good Night from Guangzhou!


  1. Fun to see you all at familiar sights! Not long now and you'll be home. Everyone seems to be having a good time. Lily is darling.

    Bracco Gang

  2. She is so precious. Looks like she loves being part of your family. Enjoy shopping on the Island. Blessings
